Monday, January 31, 2005 

The $7.6 Million Dollar Man

You read that right. $7.6 Million - PER YEAR!

This is how much Corey Rudl, CEO and President of the Internet Marketing Center, is making for his company. In the past several years, he has made OVER $40 MILLION! Read more about Corey here:

This guy is the GURU OF ALL GURUS!

As you know, I've been doing some intense Internet Marketing research online during the past few months. There's been several products and services that have caught my eye, and they seem very promising. While I haven't completely given up on them (it's more like I don't want to, because I paid for them!), I recently discovered the one thing in common that's missing from every one of them - credibility!

Why, oh why, did I invest in these products when I had no proof that they were going to even work? I bet I got the old beginner Internet Marketer's syndrome. It's no wonder why it's so hard to make your online business a success! If you're reading this blog now and you're a beginning Internet Marketer, you're in luck because you will learn to not make the same mistakes that I make!

Well, check this one out because Corey's as credible as it gets. In this Ultimate Seminar Series, Corey reveals his exact strategies LIVE on stage! I ordered this product several days ago, and since it arrived at my door, I've learned so much from this DVD set that my head is still spinning as I'm typing these words. This guy's got me pumped! He discussed in detail so many different strategies, I don't even know where to start!

The great thing about this is that he takes breaks from the clips of his very best live material and brings you into his home to talk more in depth about certain points. He explains everything so clearly that he leaves almost no room for failure!

Click Here now to check out the salesletter...

Sunday, January 30, 2005 

Safelists and Email Blasters

I've been sold again. This time, I've invested in a package that contains a few services that automatically "blasts" your email messages to supposedly millions of subscribers, so they are not considered as SPAM.

After logging in to take a closer look and testing how this email blasting phenomenon works, I am now a little skeptical about how and if it'd work. From the look of things, this type of marketing technique has been around for years now. I can see how it may have worked even 1 or 2 years ago, but technology today is a bit more advanced now.

Also, I think people today are a bit smarter about blasters like these. I mean, when I signed up, there's even a field for me to submit a separate email address to receive all the promotions. I was able to figure out that this is my chance to prevent my inbox from filling up with SPAM, so I signed up for another email account with the purpose of sending all my junk mail there. What's to say that others aren't doing the same thing?

Well, even if this promotional service doesn't turn out to be all that effective, included with my purchase is also a collection of ebooks and software that I can resell for 100% profit! I am thinking about bundling up what I can into my own package. I'll have to take a closer look at the products and test their value before moving forward with this idea, but it sounds promising.

OK, well I'm going to give this service a try. After all, I did pay for it. Now, I can see where all these Internet Marketers come from when they say that they've invested a lot of money, in some cases in the $1000s, in their business and not seeing much results. I don't think I'm far behind...

Thursday, January 13, 2005 

Hmm...Free Advertising?

Well, I guess there are people who are doing pretty well in Internet Marketing - and with a $0 advertising budget?

Sounds too good to be true - but apparently, Howard Moreland is doing it. He's an Internet Marketing millionaire who has proof of his success on his website. On this page, he is selling a product that claims to have taken him 20 years to learn and is making him upwards of $5000/day! The system is called My FREE Ads Secret, and it's actually quite an interesting concept.

You guessed it right - I purchased the product myself. In this members only site, Howard shows you all the places online where you can advertise your ads for FREE! It's pretty incredible. I haven't fully tested out the results yet, but how can you lose if it's free, right?

In the meantime, I recommend that you check it out and decide for yourself by clicking here.

Monday, January 10, 2005 

OK, No More...

I've been at this Internet Marketing thing for months and months now, and I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere at all! It's been pretty frustrating as I've put a lot of time and money into this and I just feel like I've been scammed...

I can't even count the number of so-called money making "programs" I've joined in the past few months - MLMs, paid affiliate programs, pyramid schemes, matrix, membership advertising systems - as well as so-called products and services that are designed to drive traffic to my sites. NOTHING WORKED!

All this downline and upline talk is making me very nauseous. After months of absolutely NO results, I have no choice but to believe that these are scams. I'm not even going to list any of additional programs I joined not mentioned in my previous blogs here (and there were a TON - including some with monthly fees!) because I don't want to give them the publicity. But if you have a program in mind and want to know if it might be on my blacklist, feel free to contact me and I'll let you know.

I honestly hope there's more to this Internet Marketing business than scams and wastes of time. I KNOW there are people who are doing this, and I refuse to believe that everyone who succeeds are as a result of dishonest practices.

I'm going to give this Internet Marketing thing a whole fresh start. I'm quitting all these programs and unsubsribing myself to all these whacky services that have done nothing for me except shrink my bank account.

Sooo mad - but I refuse to give up, not yet. There's too much on the other side of the fence that I haven't discovered yet. I just need to look somewhere else...

Tuesday, January 04, 2005 

No Customer Support!

I'm a little upset at Stone Evans.

While he seemed like someone I could relate to in the beginning, I feel as though he doesn't really care about his customers all that much at all.

In the past couple of weeks since I signed up with his program, I have emailed him at least a few times. These messages contain questions about my account, questions about the affiliate programs, questions about my hosting service and general questions about the design of the site he built. I even sent him follow-up messages and asked him to respond.


Why would someone be like that? Don't they know the importance of good customer service and communication? The only emails I receive from him are his autoresponder messages. I have so many questions and have received no help from him.

Good customer service is so hard to find these days...