Thursday, January 26, 2006 

Calls Keep Getting Cancelled

This is becoming more and more of a habit, but what can you do? Apparently, Ewen Chia had an emergency and had to cancel the call at the last minute. Well, we couldn't do the session without him because he was the best speaker!

Just to give you a little bit of an update, we have 3 calls left:

1) Module #8
2) Call with Brad Fallon on search engine marketing
3) Call with Ewen Chia on affiliate land mines

So - I guess we'll just have to wait until they can do the sessions!

Friday, January 06, 2006 

First Call of the Year

We just wrapped up our first call of the year not too long ago. It sounds like things are a little disorganized on their end - people not being able to make calls, sessions getting cancelled or postponed and lots of things that are not quited determined at this point.

However, tonight's call was pretty interesting, and it was a bonus because it wasn't on the original agenda for this course.

During a few of the previous calls, there was mention of a man by the name of Keith Wellman and how he was able to build a massive opt-in list in just 3 months, and is now raking in cash by the load as an affiliate marketer. Keith was the guest speaker today and he talked about exactly how he did it! I enjoyed the call a lot, and it was a great way to kick off the new year.