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Tuesday, March 29, 2005 

Check-Up Call

Scott called yesterday to check up on my progress. That was nice of him!

Unfortunately, there was a little bit of server delay with our email systems and we weren't able to get into detail about the keyword list I had put together. I had come up with a group of niche terms revolving around ebook resale rights, internet marketing, marketing ebook, marketing software, online business, online marketing and software resale.

However, once he did get them, Scott gave me the same feedback again regarding credibility. I can understand the significance of a credible resource - heck, I touched on that topic myself prior to taking this course. I need a piece of mind just like anyone else...

In this case, I really don't understand. How in the world can I pull credibility out of thin air? The fact of the matter is - I don't have the experience in Internet Marketing, in resale rights, in an online business whatsoever. I honestly wouldn't know why someone should buy from me and not from my competitor. Does that mean I am not qualified to do business online? Is this another one of those Catch 22's?

Scott suggested that I think about what people ask me advice about.

The only thing I can think of relates to my job at Google - how to write effective ad text, how to select the right keywords, how to build a campaign that works, and various tips and tricks on Excel and optimization in general. If credibility is really something that is so important, then this is the only choice I have.